Showing 23 Result(s)

UBank TVCs

The brief was to create 4 x 15 second TVCs for the Australian market. The animations were to promote the key positioning that ‘UBank is just the bank you need for home loans’, with each video communicating one of the brand’s three core points in a playful and memorable way. We pitched for this project …

Pond Party – Powershop

Interactive book animations for Powershop. To inspire families to use energy more sustainably, Powershop has launched a kids book with a difference. Conceived and developed by whiteGREY, the book asks kids and parents to help a character called Goldie (a climate vulnerable Green and Golden Bell Frog) prepare for her Pond Party. By helping Goldie …

Smart Start Virtual Workshops

An interactive, online financial literacy teaching resource, designed exclusively to meet the needs of primary and secondary students in rural and regional communities across Australia, the Commonwealth Bank Foundation StartSmart Virtual Workshop changes the way young people learn about money. The Smart Start Virtual Workshops are a series of five interactive financial literacy lessons aimed …